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Eric Tyrell & Roger Simon feat. Lana Gordon Miami Beach

Every year the whole music scene meets in miami. With "Miami Beach" by Eric Tyrell & Roger Simon, there comes a massiv anthem to celebrate the music, the beach, the sun and all the party people there!
The vocals are done by the awsome Lana Gordon and there are 2 parts of outstanding remixes by producers like: The Dockland Collection, Kaddyn Palmed, Dr. Shiver, Gery Rydell, Chis Vega and much more...

ab 18.02.2011 1 Original Mix
2 Dr. Shiver Remix
3 The Dockland Collection Remix
4 Gery Rydell Remix
5 Chris Vega Remix
6 Steve Burton Mix
7 De Vox Remix
8 Kaddyn Palmed Remix

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